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Funerary stela and Frame

Nakhtmontu, son of Nespautitawy, High Priest of Amun, and of Nestefnut, Sistrum-player of Amun-Re, is depicted on the right-hand side of the main scene. The deceased, also a priest, is accompanied by Anubis to the presence of Osiris, seated on a throne, behind which stands Isis, followed by Nephthys, Horus and Hathor. The frame, beautifully decorated with Egyptian-style motifs, consists of a carved wooden structure covered in layers of gesso, skilfully re-cut by the frame-maker to preserve the detail, and then water-gilded over the whole surface. Stela acquired by the Prince of Wales in Egypt, 1862 RCIN 408372 (stela); 18052 (frame)

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