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Detail of the frame for Tintoretto's The Muses
Frames in the Royal Collection

A guide to the history of frames in the Royal Collection


Frame for RCIN 403446, Eworth, Elizabeth I and the Three Godesses

RCIN 7403446

The cassetta profile commonly features a raised sight and back edge with a flat panel that often was painted, or as in this case, with a gilded interlacing design. There is evidence that this frame originally had a rail for a curtain to cover the painting.

The Latin inscription gives a brief account of the events of the painting and reads 'IVNO POTENS SCEPTRIS ET MENTIS ACVMINE PALLAS / ET ROSEO VENERIS FVLGET IN ORE DECVS / ADFVIT ELIZABETH IVNO PERCVLSA REFVGIT OBSVPVIT PALLAS ERVBVITQ VENVS' which translates as 'Pallas was keen of brain, Juno was queen of might, / The rosy face of Venus was in beauty shining bright, / Elizabeth then came, And, overwhelmed, Queen Juno took flight: / Pallas was silenced: Venus blushed for shame'

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