Italian Altarpieces in the Royal Collection: 1300-1500
Prince Albert's taste in early Italian art marked him out amongst collectors
The Fall of Simon Magus
c. 1461-2RCIN 403372
Gozzoli was a talented assistant of Fra Angelico. Part of the altarpiece commissioned by the confraternity of Santa Maria della Purificazione e di San Zanobi in 1461, this panel was situated in the predella, which told the stories of the Saints pictured above. This particular panel relates to Saint Peter, and depicts his defeat of the sorcerer Simon Magus at the court of the Emperor Nero. The feast of St Peter and St Paul was an important day in the confraternity's calendar, and both Saints feature here.
The story comes from Voragine's Golden Legend, and several parts are depicted simultaneously. In the background, Simon launches himself from a tower, attempting to prove his divine powers. Saint Paul kneels in prayer to the left of Saint Peter, who commands the demons supporting Simon to let him fall. The sorcerer's dead body lies bloodied in the foreground while Emperor Nero, enthroned to the left, looks on.