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Women Photographers

The Royal Collection contains many photographs taken by women photographers.

Alice Hughes (1857–1939)

Alice Hughes could be considered the most prolific female studio photographer working at the turn of the twentieth century. Hughes only photographed women, either individually or accompanied by their children. This preference was likely inspired by her father, the society painter Edward Hughes (1832–1908), whom she described as 'a painter of beautiful women and children'. Hughes first began practicing photography to record her father's paintings. In 1892 she started taking portraits and subsequently set up a photographic studio beside her father at 52 Gower Street, London. At peak periods she employed over 60 assistants and would undertake more than 15 sittings a day, with subjects including Princess Victoria (1868–1935), Maud of Wales (1869–1938), Princess Mary (1897–1965) and noted society women.

Hughes' success aligned with and inspired a vast range of female photographers, a selection of whose works are shown below:

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