Home/Collection/Exhibitions/A.../Buckingham.../Explore.../State...//A Royal Welcome at Buckingham Palace: Buckingham PalaceThis exhibition is in the past. View our current exhibitions.Exhibition detailsExplore the ExhibitionFamiliesNew multimedia guideVideo: A Victorian garden partyVideo: Arrival at the Grand EntranceVideo: Creating a chocolate bombVideo: Delivering a royal welcomeVideo: Transforming the Ballroom for a State BanquetVideo: preparing the silver gilt at Buckingham PalaceBackExplore the ExhibitionInvestituresState VisitsPrivate audiencesReceptions and lunchesGarden partiesWelcoming everyoneBackPrivate audiencesROBERT GARRARD II (1793-1881)Wine funnel hallmark 1862-3RCIN 49074Silver wine funnel with sieve. Engraved with POW feathers, Garter, coronet and AE monogram.PreviousNextPreviousNext