A Prince's Treasure
120 objects from the Royal Collection return to the Royal Pavilion in Brighton
Mantel clock
1765-85Gilded and chased bronze, polychrome lacquer, enamel | 72.5 x 35.5 x 17.2 cm (whole object) | RCIN 2868
A Louis XVI mantel timepiece in the form of a chinese drummer boy, under a canopy and seated on a tasselled cushion resting on rocks. He holds, in his raised left hand, the clock cylinder in the shape of a drum, suspended from a ribbon. The canopy, which is hung with bells, is crowned by a finial in the form of a fish pierced by an arrow - like a weathervane. The platform supporting the rocky base rests on clustered vertical bamboo columns which spring from a second, larger tasselled rectangular cushion.
The present mechanism was installed c.1870 by Charles Frosham & Co. It now comprises an eight day timepiece with a fusee movement and recoil escapement. The enamel face, with the 12 hours represented in Roman figures and the minutes at the quarters in arabic numerals, has a pair of gold shaped pierced hands.