Grand Vestibule: The British Monarchy and the World
The Grand Vestibule at Windsor Castle reflects interaction between the monarchy and the wider world
Nimba (or D’mba) (Shoulder helmet mask)
c.2005RCIN 95893
This is a reduced version of a wooden Nimba mask used by the Baga people of Guinea. Full-size headdresses of this type were worn over the shoulders by a dancer during wedding and harvest celebrations. The heavy masks obscured the dancer's face, and were accompanied by a large raffia costume. The stylised female form represents motherhood and femininity, the pendant breasts indicating the nursing of many children. However, the mask’s use was in ceremonies relating to agricultural fertility rather than human fertility.
Given to Queen Elizabeth II by Paul Goa Zoumanigui, the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea, on the presentation of his Letter of Credence, 11 March 2014.